Leadership Academy
We encourage you to post messages about your experience with the Leadership Academy on the message board and to share this year book with your friends and co-workers. Continue to let your fellow members know about what you have learned and the tools you have gained by participating in this program. Encourage others to apply to join the Academy in 2019 because we are stronger in numbers, we are stronger together.

Leaders of Tomorrow,
This year, I was excited and humbled to see even more of you get involved with the Academy and stand up for what you believe in and deserve. It was incredible to see how far our alumni have come and to see new faces take on the challenge of being a leader and activist in their workplaces and communities.
I am proud to see you embracing your inner leader. I know many of you have already begun applying your skills and making a difference across Ontario.
For new leaders, it is important to remember that the knowledge you have gained is only worth something if you put it to good use. I urge you to share your experience with your colleagues so that they too will be inspired to take the lead in workplace and political activism.
By attending the Academy, you have made a commitment to not only improving your own life, but also the lives of your sisters and brothers. With that commitment comes great responsibility, so I encourage you all to continue exercising your leadership and scouting out more leaders to join our movement.
We are stronger together, and I cannot wait to see the impact we will make as a collective power moving into 2019 and beyond.
In Solidarity,
Sharleen Stewart
President, SEIU Healthcare

Workplace Champions,
Since the Leadership Academy began in 2016, many of our passionate members have transformed it into a supportive environment where folks can learn the skills needed to be effective leaders and activists in their workplaces and communities.
I am proud to see your keen interest in learning and your dedication to empowering your sisters and brothers. This year, we had a record number of members participate in member-to-member canvassing as part of our Team Up campaign, and we held our first-ever Fall Academy due to the overwhelming amount of applications for our summer program.
We were also humbled to see hundreds of new faces participate in the Academy this year. The more leaders and activists we have by our side, the more power we have to make a difference.
Thank you for getting involved and working toward improving your own lives and the lives of your colleagues. I look forward to your continued growth as we head into 2019 and beyond.
In Solidarity,
Tyler Downey
Secretary Treasurer, SEIU Healthcare
Sign the Yearbook
We are all one the big and the small! 😎
Oak Terrace, Orillia
Special shout out to my table mates: Jesintha, Marsha, Bibi, Cynthia & Paulette and Lucy!!!!
Thank you
Intereact with awesome brother and sister
I think this this assembly for December 1/18 was very awesome!!!!!
Excellent experience
Excellent people
Would attend again in a heartbeat